Friday, February 22, 2008

To Dog or not to Dog?

That really is the question. Ashlynn and I have been in our home since October. We have a fully fenced yard. We are almost done getting our backyard finished so people have been asking us if we are going to get a dog. I am in love with dogs and I do want to get one but we decided that we will not get a dog until Ashlynn is home with the baby. I do not like the idea of leaving a dog in the back yard all day while Ashlynn and I are at work. So, what to do?

Ashlynn keeps saying she does not want one even though she is going have our first baby. I keep telling her she does. What do we do?

Dog or no Dog?


Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

I am pretty sure NO MEANS NO

Erica Onelove said...

I'm pretty sure that's it's only fair that you get a baby & he gets a dog.

No question! Ashie, you do want a dog. Didn't you know that?

GREAT DANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shawna said...

depends on whether or not you want to live in that dog house too???

Angie A. said...

I just read an article in the new Parenting mag that says kids who grow up with a pet have better self esteem, etc. Even though our dog is a pain in my butt, I'm glad we have him for Wyatt to play with. They are great buds!!

Gatlin Gang said...

Leave it up to the wife. We have a dog and I have three children I am home with. Do I need a dog. Who has to remind everyone to feed the dog, do poop, play with the dog? MOM! Does mom need one more thing to clean up after? No! I feel bad for the dog, because he doesn't always get the attention he should, but I have 3 kids. Our baby is also scared of him, so he has to be put in the kennel when we go out anyway. Coby, unless you are going to be the stay at home dad and take full responsibility of the dog, your wife gets to make the decision.